PIANH Offers CE Credits, E&O Loss Prevention Credit
The Professional Insurance Agents of New Hampshire Inc. will host two education programs: E&O Prevention and Imaging for Optimal Client Service. The classes will take place Friday, Oct. 10, at the Comfort Inn, Concord.
The morning session, E&O Prevention, is sponsored by Utica Mutual Ins. Co. and approved for 3 producer CE credits. The course offers a comprehensive review of the elements of an E&O claim and techniques for prevention. Discussion topics include:
· cost of an E&O claim to an agency;
· elements of an E&O claim;
· relationship of the professional agent to other parties; standard of care;
· common causes of loss; and
· prevention: agency management systems, cancellation/nonrenewal procedures, record keeping, operations guide use, communications, identifying problem clients, management control.
Fireman’s Fund and Utica Mutual also have approved this program for E&O Loss Prevention credit.
The afternoon program, Imaging for Optimal Client Service, is a two-hour presentation that will introduce agency owners, departmental managers, producers and customer service representatives to the advantages of image-based filing for both office organization and a higher level of client service. Attendees will be taught current regulatory requirements for document retention and how to meet or exceed these requirements through a comprehensive imaging program. The course will review some of the imaging methodologies available and how to select the best alternative for their organization and the needs of their clients. It is approved for 2 producer CE credits.
For more information or to pre-register, contact PIANH’s Education and Conference Department at (800) 424-4244, by e-mail education@piaonline.org or logon to PIANH’s Web site at www.piaonline.org/NH and type ED13522 and ED13523 for quick access through Quick-Link.