PIANY’s “Hudson Valley RAP” to Discuss State Legislation, Marketplace
The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc. will host its eighth annual CEO/Agency Conference, sponsored by the New York Insurance Association, during its first Hudson Valley Regional Awareness Program (RAP) on Thursday, Oct. 2, at the Holiday Inn Suffern, N.Y.
The CEO/Agency Conference includes an executive panel discussion mediated by Robert Franzese, past president of PIANY and CEO of Capital Bauer Insurance Agency Inc., in Albany. “Topics discussed will include New York state legislation, the current conditions of the insurance market and future of the insurance industry,” said the announcement.
The panel will bring company executives and agents together to discuss issues affecting insurance agents, in general, and specifically, insurance agents in the Hudson Valley region. Topic discussions are expected to include the enactment of meaningful auto insurance reforms; restoration of personal auto insurance flex-rating; correction of New York state labor law’s absolute liability provisions; and the need to tackle the divisive issue of workers’ comp benefit levels and offsetting cost containments.
“When the Legislature adjourned in June there were many unresolved insurance issues that need to be addressed,” stated D. Scott Liebert, CIC, chair of the Hudson Valley RAP and director for PIANY. “But it’s also important to discuss the future of the industry. Is there still hope for reforms this year? How can industry professionals maximize prospects for success? These are just a few of the questions we hope to answer.”
The panelists include: Greg Massey, vice president, Northeast region, Selective Insurance Co.; Cecilia E. Norat, director of State Relations Corp., Legal Department, AIG; Robert Ryan Jr., president, Robert J. Ryan Inc. and Virginia Wall, president, Pell Associates.
The bulletin noted that “Both the CEO/Agency Conference and the Hudson Valley RAP offer the opportunity to earn continuing education credits. The day-long event also will feature the presentation of the Company of the Year and the Distinguished Insurance Service awards and a sold-out trade show.”
Admission is $75 per person for the full day or $50 per person for a half day. To register for the event or to discuss sponsorship opportunities, contact Kim Zielinski at (800) 424-4244, ext. 230 or by e-mail at: conferences@piaonline.org.