LocatePLUS Worldwide Information Sub Pens Contract with Mass.’s DIA

June 1, 2004

LocatePLUS Holdings Corp., a provider of business-to-business and business-to-government investigative solutions, announced that its subsidiary, Worldwide Information Inc., has signed the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA) Office of Investigations as a customer.

The DIA Office of Investigations is responsible for ensuring that all employers operating in the Commonwealth carry workers’ compensation insurance, in compliance with the law.

The DIA has assigned investigators to cover every city and town in the
Commonwealth. These investigators continually examine businesses and organizations of every size and type in order to guarantee that all employers in Massachusetts comply with the law.

When an employer fails to carry workers’ comp insurance and one of their workers is injured on the job, the State must pay the claim through the Workers’ Compensation Trust Fund (WCTF).