IWIF to Boost Workplace Accident Awareness in June

June 3, 2004

The fourth consecutive Maryland Workplace Safety Week, proclaimed official by the Governor’s office in 2001, begins June 13.

The Injured Workers’ Insurance Fund (IWIF) sponsors Maryland Workplace Safety Week each year to raise awareness among Maryland business owners about the importance of making safety a top priority in the workplace.

“As Maryland’s workplace safety leader, we realize the best way to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses is by boosting awareness and educating Maryland employers and their employees about the value of creating a safety culture and safer work environments,” said Thomas Bromwell, IWIF president and CEO. “If we all work together to prevent on-the-job accidents, thousands of injuries will be avoided and hundreds of lives will be saved.”

To promote Maryland Workplace Safety Week, IWIF will run a two-week public relations campaign that targets business owners, independent insurance agents and other business leaders.

Beginning June 6, IWIF will air public service announcements (PSA) on WBAL radio in conjunction with PSAs and news sponsorships on WBAL-TV. The campaign will focus on some of the most common, preventable workplace accidents.

IWIF will also publicly recognize several of its policyholders who have exemplary safety records with a premier workplace safety award.