New OSHA Alliance to Enhance Safety for Granite State’s Plumbers, Pipefitters

December 29, 2005

Enhancing safe and healthful working conditions for plumbers and pipefitters in New Hampshire is the goal of a new alliance among the U.S. Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Consultation Program (NH-DES-CP) and Local 131 of the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industries of the U.S. & Canada.

“This alliance seeks to equip workers with the most valuable tool of all, the knowledge to identify, understand and prevent workplace hazards before they injure workers,” said Rosemarie Ohar, OSHA’s New Hampshire area director.

Under the alliance, the three partners will work together to share best practices and technical knowledge, especially in the area of construction safety and health. The alliance will provide Local 131 members with information, training and guidance to help reduce such construction-related hazards as falls, electrocutions, struck-by and caught-between injuries.

They will also provide opportunities for Local 131 members with expertise in specific skills to develop or improve safety and health programs, to participate in stakeholder and other forums, and to have input in the development of workplace safety programs and guidelines.

The parties will also seek joint opportunities to develop and distribute or share safety information with employers and workers in a variety of venues.