Insurance Funds Help Pa. Town Pay for Security Cameras
Money being offered by an insurance company may help pay for security cameras outside the borough pool and public works building, officials said.
Delaware Valley Insurance Trust has made the money available to help reduce liabilities, said Jim Gardner, police chief and borough manager, noting that it has been more than a decade since the borough’s lock system has been changed.
Gardner said the cameras, which may be monitored at the borough police department, would be designed to deter vandalism and burglary. “The cameras would be used to monitor our equipment,” he said. “Not employees.”
Though there have not been significant problems at either site, police have apprehended after-hour swimmers, and the pool and public works facility have occasionally been hit by vandals and thieves, Gardner said.
The borough council has authorized Gardner to gather cost quotes and submit the estimates and a draft plan to the insurance provider. Hatboro would be required to match the insurance company dollars, Gardner said.