OSHA Proposes $117K in Fines for Connecticut Manufacturer

September 18, 2008

Federal labor officials are proposing more than $117,000 in fines against a Plainville, Connecticut manufacturer, saying safety violations there could have been deadly.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration says it cited Atlantic Pipe Corp. for 57 alleged serious violations and others deemed less serious.

The company makes precast concrete pieces, retaining wall systems, pipes and other products.

C. William Freeman III, OSHA’s Hartford area director, said the size of the proposed $117,250 fine reflects the severity of the hazards. He says workers were at risk of falls, burns, being crushed or cut, hearing damage, amputations and electrocution.

Marcia Toffolon, Atlantic’s chief financial officer, said Monday they are contesting the majority of the charges and will meet Tuesday with OSHA officials to review the allegations.