Virginia Police Urge Safety over Labor Day Weekend
The Virginia State Police are urging safety this Labor Day weekend.
The state has experienced a significant decline in traffic fatalities over the holiday weekend. Last year, seven people died in traffic crashes. It was Virginia’s lowest fatality count since 2001.
On Wednesday, state and local law enforcement launched the annual Checkpoint Strikeforce campaign. The five-month, statewide initiative combines enforcement and education efforts to raise public awareness of drunken driving.
The state also is joining law enforcement around the country for Operation C.A.R.E. (Combined Accident Reduction Effort) during the Labor Day weekend. The program is designed to reduce crashes, fatalities and injuries caused by speeding, impaired driving and failure to use seat belts.
In related news, Virginia recently received a $17M grant to fund traffic safety programs in the state.
Gov. Timothy M. Kaine said Wednesday the grants were awarded to local, nonprofit and state organizations.
The programs’ efforts include increasing safety belt and child safety seat usage; reducing motorcycle, bicycle and pedestrian injuries and fatalities; and deterring impaired and aggressive driving.