Man Gets $10M for Connecticut Segway Accident

December 16, 2011

A Connecticut jury has awarded $10 million to a 23-year-old man who suffered a brain injury in a Segway accident.

The Bridgeport Superior Court jury on Wednesday determined that New Hampshire-based Segway Inc. and two employees were responsible for John Ezzo’s injuries in the accident, which happened at a company demonstration of its two-wheeled vehicle at Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven in September 2009.

Ezzo’s lawyer, Robert Adelman, says his client was riding the Segway blindfolded and without a helmet through an obstacle course set up by company workers when he fell off and injured his head.

Adelman says Ezzo had to drop out of the university because of the injury and is now a handyman.

Lawyers for Segway didn’t immediately comment on the verdict.