AWCBC Forum Set for Vancouver, B.C.

June 23, 2005

Every hour of every day hundreds of Canadian workers are injured or become ill due to work-related causes, costing employers billions of dollars each year and resulting in untold pain, grief, and suffering for injured workers and their families. In almost every case, these injuries and illnesses could be prevented, yet tragically, many Canadians still reportedly believe that “accidents just happen.”

To help address the problem, interested parties are invited to attend the 2005 Public Forum, hosted by the Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C. and the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC), set for June 24-27.

The Forum will bring together employers, workers, unions, policy makers, researchers, and other key stakeholders to discuss strategies for transforming attitudes toward workplace safety and health. The challenge is to shift public attitudes so that preventable workplace death, injury, illness, and disease are considered completely unacceptable, much in the same way that attitudes toward drinking and driving have changed over time.

The four-day Public Forum will feature keynote speakers, interactive sessions, networking opportunities, social events, strategies for fostering a safety culture within one’s organization, and much more.

For registration and additional information, visit the Public Forum Web site at