UK Storm Surge Claims Keeping GAB Robins Adjusters Busy

December 9, 2013

Following Friday’s serious storm surges, many areas along the east coast of the
country were affected by flooding to varying degrees, according to bulletin issued by GAB Robins.

The flooding followed a trail along the east coast from Scotland down to Essex and Kent. Some areas in the Midlands and south coast were also flooded. According to the bulletin, large numbers of flood claims have already been received and the worst affected areas are in the east Midlands and north east coast.

In view of the volume of claims and extent of damage the company’s surge status remained at RED, with their full Disaster Plan activated. The main priority was to visit as many policyholders as possible over the weekend and to commence emergency and restoration works.

  • Key hot spot areas for new losses received since Friday are PE21 (Boston), HU3 (Hull) and DN14 – DN19 – (north Yorkshire);
  • Additional resource in place covering Emergency Out of Hours Service;
  • All field adjusters mobilized for visits continuing this week;
  • Additional resources available via the company’s SPECS building validation team;
  • BRICS contractors carrying out emergency works in all key areas;
  • Working with key suppliers to ensure capacity available.

Costs could be up to 20 percent higher for salt water flooding because materials
deteriorate faster, less will be salvageable and repairs can take longer whilst the
chemical reactions are stabilized, according to the GAB Robins bulletin.

Source: GAB Robins