Ind. Gets Formal Approval to Use Funds in Buyout of Homes in Flood-Prone Areas
Earlier this week, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) granted formal approval for Indiana to use funds, previously allocated to the state, to move forward with the buyout of homes in flood-prone areas of Bluffton and Decatur. Following is a statement from Gov. Joe Kernan on that decision.
“We were happy to hear the news of FEMA’s decision, which allows us to move forward with the buyout of these flood-damaged homes, using these previously allocated funds. The more than $1.4 million that was approved today will allow our state emergency management officials to take important steps to help Hoosier families avoid these disasters in the future.
“A few weeks ago we were disappointed with FEMA’s decision to deny another $4 million of discretionary grant assistance sought for Decatur and Fort Wayne. In addition to approving Indiana’s plans today, we are hoping to persuade FEMA to reconsider these requests.
“Additionally, I want to thank Sen. Evan Bayh and Sen. Richard Lugar, along with Congressman Mike Pence and Congressman Mark Souder, for submitting a special appropriations request for $2 million to support the state buyout efforts. This support, on behalf of the State Emergency Management Agency and the communities and families affected by these disasters, would make a significant difference as we continue to work to help more than 200 families relocate their homes following last year’s floods.”