Deadlines Set for Unmet Needs Applications
The North Dakota Long Term Recovery Committee will accept applications through Friday, Sept. 9, from residents who have experienced disaster-related damage from the severe summer storms and flood activity of 2005.
Residents with unmet needs must call 2-1-1 no later than Wednesday, Aug. 24. After that date, calls for assistance for this disaster will no longer be accepted. Those with unmet needs are families and individuals who have uninsured damage to essential living space and are unable to recover on their own.
Residents with unmet needs will be asked to provide a brief description of the damages to their homes and to identify their unmet needs. 2-1-1 staff will contact a relief agency whose representatives will contact the applicant by phone for more details. An application may be sent, which must be postmarked by Sept. 1. Once applications are completed and returned, they will be evaluated for potential case management services.
The Long Term Recovery Committee is comprised of representatives of The Salvation Army, Lutheran Disaster Response/Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Northern Plains Conference of the United Church of Christ, Catholic Charities North Dakota, Dakota Conference United Methodist Disaster Response, Presbytery of the Northern Plains (PCUSA) and the American Red Cross.