St. Paul Travelers Donates $4.1 Million in Q2

August 24, 2005

St. Paul Travelers and its two private foundations donated more than $4.1 million in the second quarter of 2005 to support community organizations based in the Twin Cities area of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn., and in the Hartford, Conn., region, as well as organizations in communities nationwide.

Included in the quarterly grants is more than $1.4 million awarded to revitalize communities through the support of affordable housing, commercial development and community building.

In Minnesota, the Twin Cities Local Initiatives Support Corporation received $175,000 to support and promote affordable housing and neighborhood development in Minneapolis and St. Paul.
The Community Reinvestment Fund received $75,000 to help rebuild commercial corridors in St. Paul by helping minority or immigrant-owned small businesses. The East Side Neighborhood Development Co., Inc. received $35,000 for ongoing operating support to provide housing, economic and community development in the Payne Avenue–Phalen Lake neighborhood.