Kan. Department Kicks Off State-wide InsureU Program

June 15, 2006

Commissioner Sandy Praeger will be embarking on a statewide insurance education campaign, entitled “InsureU,” which will extend over the next few months. Praeger will begin by making stops in several Kansas cities next week sharing information specifically targeted at empty nesters and seniors regarding home, auto, life, health, long term care and medicare supplement insurance. Other cities will be scheduled at later dates.

According to the department, the campaign has two main objectives: to help consumers better understand their evolving insurance needs at different life stages, and to educate them about how to avoid being a victim of insurance fraud.

The curriculum was developed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and is being conducted by state insurance commissioners across the country.

The program is designed to educate consumers about insurance and to assist them in making informed coverage decisions at various life stages. The InsureU curriculum has information for four different life stages (young singles, young families, established families and empty

Educational forums which have been scheduled will begin June 20.

For more information go to www.insureuonline.org for further information about this program.

Source: Kansas Department of Insurance