Mold Costs One Builder $3 Million

May 13, 2008

A moldy house has been a headache for a central Ohio family and a $3 million liability for the homebuilder.

A Franklin County judge has awarded Roman and Jennifer Costner $3 million for their three-year-saga. Last week, another judge says construction firm Maronda Homes has to pay the family’s almost $700,000 legal bill.

Maronda Homes says the ruling is completely unfair and says the homeowners stopped them from fixing the house. The builder says they will consider an appeal.

The Costners say they bought their Reynoldsburg subdivision’s house for $219,000 but were forced out after toxic mold took over. Court documents show the south side of the house wasn’t attached to the foundation, the wrong windows led to leaks and waterproofing wasn’t done properly.