Ohio Tells Businesses to Stop Selling Insurance Without License

April 9, 2009

Ohio Department of Insurance Director Mary Jo Hudson has issued a cease and desist order against Thomas J. Sullivan of Turnersville, N.J., and eight companies for allegedly selling insurance products without a license.

Phony insurance plans are a serious problem, according to Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray, who warned Ohioans to watch out for worthless medical products.

The department’s order prohibits Sullivan or any of the following businesses from selling any insurance products in the state of Ohio:

National Trade Business Alliance of America
National Trade Business Association
National Transportation Benefits Alliance Association
National Alliance of Associations
Alliance Association Health
Healthcare Alliance
National Alliance Healthcare
Affinity Health Plans

A department investigation revealed that neither Sullivan nor any of the businesses have a license to sell insurance products in Ohio. The investigation also revealed that Sullivan’s and the businesses’ conduct have caused substantial and material harm to the citizens of Ohio, the department said.

Source: Ohio Insurance Department, www.insurance.ohio.gov; Ohio Attorney General; www.ag.state.oh.us/