Indiana Christmas Tree Farms, Nurseries Can Seek Aid Under Farm Bill

May 18, 2010

Newly implemented provisions of the 2008 Farm Bill are opening the door to possible federal aid for Indiana Christmas tree growers and tree nurseries hit by losses caused by severe weather.

Indiana’s Farm Service Agency offices began taking disaster aid applications on May 10 under the expanded federal Tree Assistance Program.

That program had previously helped the state’s apple, peach and cherry growers and vineyards replace, prune or remove trees damaged by storms, flooding and other natural disasters.

Now, it’s open to Christmas tree farms and nurseries that raise trees, bushes and grape vines for commercial purposes.

Under the current Farm Bill, eligible farms can receive up to $100,000 a year for up to 500 acres damaged after Jan. 1, 2008 and before Oct. 1, 2011.