Judge Awards $6 Million in Fatal Crash

April 19, 2012

A judge in northern Illinois has awarded more than $6 million to the family of a 17-year-old Loves Park girl killed by a drunk driver.

Judge Edward Prochaska awarded the money Monday to the family of Amanda Kordich. She was a Harlem High School student when she was killed in July 2008 in an accident involving driver Wesley Hanson.

The judge called Hanson’s actions “the definition of willful and wanton misconduct.”

Hanson is serving a nine-year prison sentence and isn’t expected to be paroled until 2016. He didn’t have insurance when the accident happened. Under the civil judgment, Hanson’s future wages will be garnisheed.

The teen’s mother, Diane Kordich, says she hopes Monday’s award will send a message that drinking and driving won’t be tolerated in this county.