Holiday Red Ribbon Campaign Plugs Ohio Road Safety
Law enforcers around Ohio plan more than 9,700 hours of enforcement during the holidays, including 23 sobriety checkpoints statewide.
State crash statistics show 410 people were killed in 379 alcohol-related crashes last year, with 27 of those deaths coming between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.
Local law enforcement, the Ohio State Highway Patrol, the Ohio Department of Public Safety, Motorists Insurance Group and Mothers Against Drunk Driving are teaming up to try to reduce drunk-driving fatalities through education, enforcement and beefed up investigations of over-serving and underage drinking.
State motor vehicle bureaus will hand out MADD red ribbons as part of the “Tie One on for Safety” campaign that was launched this week. Ribbons tied to vehicles are a pledge to keep roads safe by staying sober and using seat belts.
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