Ohio Photographer Ordered to Repay $26,000 in Workers’ Comp Benefits

March 5, 2013

An Ohio man was sentenced in Franklin County for operating a photography business from his home while receiving workers’ compensation benefits.

Richard D. Ketcham was sentenced this week and must repay more than $26,000 he improperly collected from the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC).

“An investigation revealed that Mr. Ketcham was operating a photography business from his home while collecting disability funds,” said BWC Administrator/CEO Steve Buehrer. “His actions were a blatant disregard of the law and took funds that are reserved for injured workers unable to work.”

BWC’s Special Investigations Department received an allegation that Ketcham made comments indicating he may be working while receiving disability from BWC. Investigators found that Ketcham earned profits from his photography business while collecting temporary total and living maintenance benefits.

Ketcham pleaded guilty Feb. 27 and was sentenced the same day in the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas. Judge Guy L. Reece II ordered Ketcham to pay restitution to BWC in the amount of $26,716.38. He also was placed on community control for three years. If he violates the terms of community control, he will serve seven months at the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections.

Source: Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation