NAIC Assisting With Adjuster Licensing Following Oklahoma Tornadoes

June 7, 2013

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has set up a call center to assist with adjuster licensing in the aftermath of the tornadoes that hit central Oklahoma in May. Housed at the NAIC’s Central Office in Kansas City, the call center will manage the overflow of insurance company/adjuster calls to the producer licensing unit of the Oklahoma Insurance Department.

This partnership allows the Oklahoma department to more quickly license out-of-state adjusters through the application of an emergency adjuster license. Additional adjusters will allow claims to be processed more quickly, resulting in faster recovery time for citizens who experienced losses from the disaster.

“We are grateful for the NAIC’s assistance in facilitating the licensing process for out-of-state adjusters,” said John D. Doak, Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner. “This call center will be critical to the department’s efforts to quickly and effectively help the policyholders in our state.”

“The collaborative spirit of the national system of state-based regulation is strongest following a major disaster,” said Ben Nelson, NAIC Chief Executive Officer. “We remain committed to providing resources and assistance to the people of Oklahoma during this challenging time.”

Oklahoma adopted the provisions of the NAIC’s Independent Adjuster Licensing Guideline and is using the Uniform Producer Application for adjuster licensing. The application can be accessed by companies and agents using the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) and feeds directly into the NAIC’s State Based Systems (SBS) for processing.

Source: NAIC