North Dakota State Fire and Tornado Fund Waives Premiums

August 6, 2014

The North Dakota State Fire and Tornado Fund (F&T) for the first time in its history will waive insurance premiums for its policyholders, the state insurance department announced

“The State Fire and Tornado Fund is financially strong and is more than able to pay any potential claims,” said North Dakota Insurance Commissioner Adam Hamm. “When policyholders work with the F&T management to reduce risk and therefore claims, policyholders should benefit.”

F&T Policyholders include state government agencies, counties, cities and other political subdivisions. Each entity must apply for coverage according to its property and content insurance needs.

F&T has been providing this coverage since 1919 and is typically more affordable than commercial coverage. Currently, the F&T insures 1,137 entities totaling $12.04 billion in coverage.

Hamm credits the health of the F&T Fund to fewer and smaller claims due to fairly mild storm seasons the last few years and investment gains. The insurance department staff has also spent more time educating policyholders about avoiding risks, building maintenance and updating aging infrastructure.

“This is a one-time opportunity for policyholders to take the money they would have spent on premiums and re-invest it into their property,” Hamm said. “We fully expect to charge a premium next year.”

F&T has also updated its coverage policy to reflect standard industry changes. Policyholders are strongly encouraged to read the new policy and review schedules of property to ensure all property is insured and each property has adequate insurance limits.

Source: North Dakota Department of Insurance