Ohio Vehicle Thefts Down 64% From Peak in 1991

December 18, 2014

From its peak auto theft year in 1991 when 54,744 vehicles were stolen, Ohio has experienced a significant decline ending 2013 with 19,532 thefts. That’s a reduction of 64 percent since 1991, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB).

Thefts in Ohio began to take off as early as 1964 and by 1971, had numbered over 53,000. After that year, they ranged from the mid to high 40,000s until 1989 when they climbed higher again peaking in 1991. Thefts did have an occasional year-to-year increase since 1991, but overall they have been trending down since then.

Like other states, Ohio authorities employed some innovative law enforcement programs; among them the use of bait cars and license plate readers. In short, technology has had a huge positive impact.

Not only is law enforcement exploiting technology, but auto manufacturers have been outfitting vehicles with more and more theft prevention products — from smart keys to immobilizers to tracking systems. So vehicles today are much harder to steal and that is good news for everyone who owns a vehicle.

Source: NICB