deNovis Transaction Software Chosen by Federal Agency for Overhaul of Nat. Medicare Program

February 5, 2003

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) awarded a contract for the redesign, replacement and maintenance of a core Medicare claims processing system component – the Common Working File (CWF).

The winning bid was submitted by a team led by IBM and featured deNovis’ eHD(TM) enterprise platform and deNovis’ HICL(TM) technology. deNovis, a provider of transaction processing technologies for health care insurers and government administrators, with its eHD enterprise-wide transaction platform, is an integral part of the proposal selected by CMS.

The Medicare technology modernization initiative is expected to save millions of dollars through increased automation, higher levels of accuracy, enhanced capture of fraud and abuse, potential increased use of the Web for self-service functions, and a simplified approach to programming and reprogramming the transaction system’s rules and policies.