e-Claims Produces High Accuracy Rate in Asbestos Claims Processing

February 6, 2003

Claims Resolution Management Corporation (CRMC), a provider for asbestos claims resolution, reports users of e-Claims(TM) (patent pending), the first interactive, Web-based claims filing, processing and payment system for trusts, law firms and companies handling asbestos and other toxic torts, have achieved a 95.86 percent accuracy rate.

Of the nearly 8,500 asbestos claims CRMC audited, less than 350 required modifications, and almost a third of the corrected claims were upgraded to a higher disease category, and thus a greater settlement value.

“Much of e-Claims’ success can be attributed to the willingness of the plaintiffs’ bar to accept and adopt a new claims processing technology, as well as its commitment to accuracy. The speed at which such precision was achieved is both remarkable and commendable,” David Austern, president of CRMC, said. “Electronic systems are only as good as the information they receive, and in the case of e-Claims, the data from our certified users has been excellent.”

e-Claims works by analyzing responses by certified users to prompts and questions regarding a claim and its supporting documents, comparing the claim to pre-established medical and exposure criteria, and assigning the highest categorization for which the claim is eligible.

Users can either accept or reject the offer. If medical submissions are required, the request is posted to a law firm-specific message board for review. As soon as the additional information is received, the offer is completed.

CRMC’s comprehensive quality control program includes not only a series of random pre- and post-payment audits but also targeted evaluations based on various criteria, such as claims arising from exposure at previously unknown sites. CRMC requires a 95 percent accuracy rate before reducing the quality control sampling.