Austern to Address Professionals
David Austern, an expert on asbestos claims litigation and management and president of Claims Resolution Management Corporation (CRMC), a pioneer in asbestos claims resolution and creator of e-Claims(TM) (patent pending), will speak to professionals and senior executives in the insurance, manufacturing and financial industries about the issues surrounding the growing number of asbestos claims and their dramatic effect on the United States economy in four upcoming conferences, beginning with Mealeys’ Practical Training for the Claims Professional March 3-4 in Stamford, Conn.
In “Just When You Thought It Was Over: The New Wave of Asbestos Claims,” Austern will brief insurance professionals on new coverage issues that have come with the ever increasing number of claims, review and analyze non-product asbestos claims, and present an overview of the London market reporting guidelines. Ellen Clark of insurance law firm Mendes & Mount LLP will join Austern in the panel discussion, to be held 10 a.m. March 3.
Austern will also be featured at the following conferences, where he will discuss the current asbestos problem, how litigation and bankruptcies are affecting businesses and the economy, as well as historical claim filing trends, recent filings, future claims forecasting, and economic incentives to file claims.
Manufacturers Alliance Presidents Council, March 27-28, New Orleans
Mealeys Wall Street Forum: Asbestos, April 15, New York City
Mealeys Asbestos Bankruptcy Conference, June 2-3, Philadelphia.
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