New Writing Seminar Targets Independent Claims Professionals

October 23, 2003

The Communication Workshop, a provider of on-site claims writing seminars, has introduced a new one-day workshop targeting claims professionals at independent adjusting firms.

Gary Blake, director, noted “Writing in an independent claims adjustment firm environment is vastly different than writing the usual claims correspondence at a major carrier. This new seminar deals with an independent adjuster’s writing issues such as separating fact
from opinion in investigative reports, using subheads that guide the
reader through the report, and making sure that “re” lines, use of
capitalization, and use of abbreviation are consistent.”

Clear organization in writing also reportedly helps the clients of independent adjusters make quicker pay-or-deny decisions and allows clients to be authoritative in their correspondence to insureds.

For a “Claims Writing for Independent Adjusters” course overview, call Blake at (516) 767-9590 or e-mail Blake’s Web site is