Caliber Collision Centers Teams with 3M, Akzo Nobel and VeriFacts on Corrosion Care Program

November 1, 2004

Caliber Collision Centers, an operator of collision repair facilities in California and Texas, has teamed up with industry partners, 3M, Akzo Nobel and VeriFacts to create the first ever state-of-the-art Corrosion Care Cart designed to provide Caliber’s customers and associates with the latest in innovative corrosion protection solutions.

“We are very proud of the Corrosion Care Program,” said Stepan Altounian, Caliber’s vice president of Fixed Operations & Vendor Relations. “The concept originated in our North Texas operations and was developed with the collaboration and support of industry product and service leaders. Caliber is pleased to share the corrosion program’s technology and information with the industry for the benefit of all collision repairers, their technicians and customers.”

“We’re very excited about the benefits that Caliber’s Corrosion Care Cart will provide to our associates, consumers, and clients,” added Mark Sanders, Caliber’s vice president – Texas Operations. “This new program will allow our technicians to be much more efficient because all of the tools, materials, and information necessary for any corrosion protection process will be at their fingertips. We believe that this program will enhance quality and reproduce OEM appearances and standards as well as improve productivity.”

Each cart is designed to include all products and tools necessary for the optimal application of corrosion protection. Research and testing of all products and equipment was conducted over the past six months at several Caliber locations, reportedly with unanimous positive feedback from test users.

Caliber plans to implement its Corrosion Care Program in all of its centers by the first quarter of 2005.