NAIIA’s 68th Annual Conference Proves a Winner for Attendees

June 1, 2005

Last month’s 68th annual National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters (NAIIA) conference in Rancho Mirage, California offered attendees in the claims industry the opportunity to learn the latest goings-on in the field, network, and display some of their company’s products.

“This year’s attendance was comparable to last year and this encourages us as history has shown that we draw 10 to 15 percent higher on the East Coast,” according to Michael Csom, conference chair for the NAIIA. “With next year’s conference being held in Orlando, we expect our numbers to be up significantly.” The 2006 event will take place May 10-12 at The Rosen Centre in Orlando.

Csom said that early feedback from conference attendees indicated that they enjoyed the education sessions, time with the exhibitors and the quality of the exhibitors themselves, along with the theme night.

Leslie Demos of Forensic Analytical (, noted that, “I have always liked the conference and have made excellent connections. The people are great. I like seeing old acquaintances and meeting new.”

NAIIA Interview with Harvard and Moss

According to Dennis Brobst of Supervision Systems (, which was one of the exhibitors at the conference, “Our new mobile video system was received with a lot of interest and enthusiasm. As a documentation and distribution system for streaming video and audio, it is a perfect fit for the tasks of investigation and evidence gathering for the NAIIA membership.

“I appreciated the welcome reception and a respect paid to the exhibitors in the two years we have exhibited and look forward to our third year of association with this fine organization. As with any new product being introduced to the industry, I’m always looking for more “face time” to show the significant benefits of what we consider a revolutionary evidence production system. Dedicated, quality time is most important.”

When asked what he might like to see at future conferences, Brobst noted, “If each member company would create an e-mail address generic to the NAIIA show where exhibitors could send ‘after show’ info, that would give them an opportunity to review only requested, show-specific material without overloading their personal mailbox and filter discriminately without fear of getting spammed.”

Lynn Infurchia of Belfor USA ( added that, ” The NAIIA conference was a good venue for BELFOR USA. The networking events were well attended and gave us an opportunity to meet and greet adjusters from across the country.”

For an interview with in-coming NAIIA President Dane Havard and out-going President Tom Moss,

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