’s NEC Reports that Americans Believe Personal Injury Lawyers Most Interested in Profits

September 26, 2005

According to a recent survey by, 82 percent of Americans agree that personal injury lawyers who file lawsuits over medicines and other healthcare remedies are more interested in making money than in helping their clients.

The survey finding was to be featured in an advertisement Monday in Roll Call. The ad is one of four advertisements running in Roll Call as part of the group’s public education campaign leading up to Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week (Oct. 3-7).

“Some personal injury lawyers will file questionable lawsuits based on
junk science in hopes of winning big money,” said Sick of Lawsuits
spokesperson Dr. Evelyn Tobias-Merrill. “Such lawsuit abuse is bankrupting our healthcare system, forcing our doctors to stop practicing, and taking life-saving medicines off the shelves.”

The campaign will run half-page print advertisements, including the one today, to raise legislators’ awareness about Americans’ concerns over the need for legal reform. also is planning a national television advertising buy for the fall to encourage citizens to help stop lawsuit abuse and protect America’s healthcare system.

“We want to let our representatives in Washington know that legal reform continues to be a major issue for all of us,” said Dr. Tobias-Merrill. “These survey findings show that Americans are sick of lawsuits, and it’s time for change now.”

The national survey of 800 likely voters was conducted by Public Opinion Strategies on behalf of during Aug. 16-18, 2005. The margin of error is +/- 3.5%.