DriveCam Unveils Managed Services to Mitigate Fleet Risk

November 15, 2005

DriveCam Inc. announced the launch of Managed Services that provide ongoing management of risky driving behaviors for commercial and government fleets.

The new Managed Services, which require no up-front investment, include in-vehicle video, playback software and expert analysis to identify and eliminate behaviors that are known to increase the likelihood of a collision, all for a single per-vehicle monthly fee. By providing turn-key implementation and event analysis, DriveCam Managed Services reportedly make it easy for fleets to try, buy and directly reap the benefits in reduced damage claims from improved driving behavior.

DriveCam Managed Services include wireless download, review and analysis of driving events captured by the DriveCam video event recorder installed in each fleet vehicle.

At the DriveCam Review Center, professionals trained in best practices for driver behavior analysis daily review driving events triggered by risky driving or collisions. Expert reviewers provide detailed reports to fleet supervisors on areas for driver improvement and coaching.

This consistent and objective approach reportedly ensures that risky behaviors are quickly identified and improved, resulting in far fewer incidents and dramatically lower damage and claims.

DriveCam Managed Services are recommended for fleets with greater than 30 vehicles. For a monthly per-vehicle fee, it includes complete and ongoing event review, all available hardware and software upgrades, wireless or wired DriveCam event recorder, and five year contract.

For clients that have an in-house professional fleet safety staff to download, review, and analyze events, DriveCam offers an Enterprise Edition. Customers have the flexibility to switch between service levels at any time, depending on the needs of their organization.

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