Cass Clay Recalls Milk, Citing Tank Problem

December 4, 2006

The president of Cass Clay Creamery Inc., said on Nov. 29 the company is recalling some of its milk because of problems with a pasteurization tank.

“One of our pasteurization tanks, after it’s been pasteurized here, it’s given us some quality issues,” the company’s president, Keith Pagel, said.

Pagel said milk being recalled has an unusual smell and taste though it is not unhealthy.

“It’s a bacteria that breaks down the protein and stuff in the milk, which gives it the off flavor,” he said. “We’ve taken that tank off line, until we can determine the problem.”

The company said most of the cartons have already been removed from dairy cases, but people with cartons of 1 percent or 2 percent milk with the recalled code dates may return them.

The code dates being recalled are:

For 1 percent milk: 11/29, 12/1, 12/8, 12/9, 12/10a, 12/10b, 12/10c, 12/13

For 2 percent milk: 11/28, 11/29, 11/30, 12/1, 12/2.