Storm Damages Pa.’s Carnegie Science Center

August 20, 2007

A violent storm that swept through Pittsburgh last week incurred hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damage to the city’s Carnegie Science Center, a spokesman for the center said.

Officials are still assessing the repair costs with an insurance company, but “we’re looking at the high hundreds of thousands of dollars to put everything back together,” spokesman Mike Marcus said.

The Aug. 9 storm caused extensive water damage to the building’s facade, and repairs to the museum’s signature rooftop cone alone will cost at least $200,000, he said.

The storm struck the center on a busy Thursday afternoon, shattering windows and frightening many of the 1,000 visitors inside.

The center also lost about $20,000 in revenue when it was forced to close for two days after the storm for initial repairs.

Three lines of storms caused widespread damage after they produced torrential downpours in western Pennsylvania, flooding basements, downing trees and causing power outages.