December Deadliest Month for Home Electrical Fires

December 14, 2012

December is the deadliest month when it comes to home electrical fires. Fire deaths typically increase during the winter months as a result of increased indoor activity, use of holiday lighting, heating and appliances, reaching their peak this month.

According to the United States Fire Administration, home electrical problems account for 28,600 fires and $1.1 billion in property losses during a typical year. 53 percent of residential electrical fires involve electrical wiring.

Fires may be caused by electrical system failures, or defects in appliances, but the majority are the result of misuse and poor maintenance, incorrect wiring installation and overloaded circuits and extension cords.

“An electrical fire in your home can result in catastrophic damage including loss of life and property,” said Kurt Dettmer, vice president and chief marketing offficer for Fremont Insurance. “Statistics have demonstrated that as the weather turns colder, electrical fires increase. We have already seen several devastating fires this year, and December is the most likely month for an electrical fire to occur.”

Source: Fremont Insurance