ASI Claims Reaches 1 Million Claim Milestone

May 30, 2013

Georgia-based Audit Services Incorporated (ASI) announced that it has reached the milestone of 1 million claims processed for vehicle and property estimate reviews. ASI President and CEO John Hall says, “It’s truly an exciting time to watch the company grow from a startup of 6 employees to over 180, and continuing to grow.”

ASI’s certified and nationally licensed adjusters and appraisers; combined with a proprietary management system, ensures that clients are enabled to help their policyholders recover from a loss quickly, and that the repairs performed meets the highest industry standards.

Initially focused as an auto “shop of choice” desk review service, ASI processed over 200,000 files in 2012 comprised of approximately an equal number of both auto and property reviews for 121 individual insurance carriers and self-insured companies. ASI continues a consistent growth pattern as indicated by 2013 Q1 results of 79,537 files processed.

“The technical expertise and field experience of our employees provides the strength of our company,” Mr. Hall says. Regarding ASI management systems he adds, “Technology has enabled our team to work more efficiently through matching client profiling and assignment type to ASI adjuster skill set, licensing, and work load.”

Auditors have access to the latest electronic appraisal, imaging, repair techniques, database and reporting tools to verify every line of an auto or property estimate guaranteeing the accuracy of repairs. Additionally, The ASI Management System decreases internal cycle times and ultimately the speed in which claims are settled while enhancing communication between insurance carriers, repair providers, and consumers experiencing a loss.

Source: ASI