Broadspire Launches New Operations Command Center

August 20, 2013

Broadspire, a Crawford Company and third-party administrator of workers compensation claims, liability claims and medical management services, has implemented a Command Center. The Command Center can help reduce employer’s loss costs by making the claims process more effective and efficient.

The Broadspire Command Center is a Web-based and mobile-enabled tool providing management anytime, anywhere access to updated data that helps it monitor Broadspire’s operations. The centralized data covers multiple countries and access is scalable to hundreds of concurrent users. With information updated daily, managers can proactively manage their inventory, customize views of caseload distribution, identify and prevent potential issues, and optimize outcomes. The visualization of data across units and in relation to business goals at the macro and micro levels can help identify patterns and allows Broadspire to quickly determine if activities are on track or if they need to be modified.

“By proactively managing claims inventory, we help our clients to get their employees back to work sooner, and this underscores our commitment to service,” says Neil Lentine, chief operating officer, Claims and Medical Management, Broadspire. “The Command Center gives us an immediate, multi-faceted view of our operations and provides insights on how we can provide appropriate resolutions to our clients.”

Source: Broadspire