DRI to Offer Insurance 101 Webcast Series Again
The Defense Research Institute (DRI) Insurance Law Committee Insurance 101 series will return this summer. This is a series of live programs that can be watched from the convenience of home or office.
The three-part series will introduce a broadly defined educational program for claims professionals and attorneys. Diary these dates:
- 7/09/14 Insurance 101: The Duty to Defend
- 7/16/14 Insurance 101: What You Always Wanted to Know About Policies
- 7/23/14 Insurance 101: Coverage and Bad Faith Lawsuits
The package cost for the series is $360 ($300 for members). The cost for one webcast is $180 ($150 for members). The cost is per site, not per individual and an additional discount may apply depending on the number of sites/offices that enroll. Register online at http://dri.org/Events/Webcasts.