Crawford Names Trezise Vice President of Casualty

January 7, 2015

Crawford & Company named Tom Trezise vice president of casualty for its U.S. Property & Casualty unit. He brings more than 35 years of legal and claims experience to his position, and he reports to David Repinski, chief executive officer, U.S. Property & Casualty.

In his new role Trezise oversees the Atlanta-based company’s casualty services as well as its Affinity, Transportation and Vehicle Services claims operations. He will also collaborate with his colleagues in Crawford Global Technical Services (GTS) to develop a market-driven casualty product that includes high-end / complex casualty losses.

Prior to joining Crawford, Trezise held senior management positions with a number of insurance companies, including Crum & Forster, Renaissance Reinsurance, XL Insurance and St. Paul Companies/USF&G.

Earlier in his career he worked for 14 years for the law firm of Semmes, Bowen & Semmes, eventually becoming a partner.

Source: Crawford & Company