Top 10 States at Risk for Wildfires in 2015
Wildfires are a serious risk to property and lives in every state in the country. Last year alone the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) reported there were 63,212 fires in the U.S. and Puerto Rico that burned 3,595,613 million acres – roughly the size of Connecticut.
On May 2nd, State Farm, NFPA, and Fire Adapted Communities (FAC) are co-sponsoring the second national Wildfire Community Preparedness Day and encouraging community volunteers, neighborhoods and individual homeowners to join forces in creating safer places to live. As an additional incentive, 65 community projects in 26 states have been chosen to receive grants from State Farm to assist with implementing their wildfire preparation projects. These efforts are part of the Year of Living Less Dangerously from Wildfire, a year-long campaign aimed at empowering homeowners and fire departments to take action that will help reduce injuries and damage to homes and property as a result of wildfires.
The combination of drought, high winds and an excess of dried vegetation has made fire seasons increasingly dangerous each year. Add that to the increasing number of communities that are located near woodlands or grassland and the risk climbs even higher.
Of the top 10 states with the number of wildfires in 2014, Texas was #1 with 9,677 fires.
Data provided by the NIFC
Source: State Farm/NIFC