1 in 5 Small Businesses Would Allow Medical Marijuana Use While at Work

October 14, 2015

Now that marijuana has become legal in 24 states for medicinal or recreational purposes, a new telephone poll by Employers, a national small business insurer, found that small businesses have mixed feelings about its presence in the workplace.

One in five small business owners (19 percent) said they would allow an employee who has a doctor’s prescription for medical marijuana to use it while at work, while nearly two-thirds of small business owners (62 percent) said they would not. Another 17 percent of small business owners were not sure whether they would allow employees to use the drug while at work.

“We encourage all small businesses to maintain drug-free workplaces because employees who are under the influence of illicit substances or misuse or abuse prescription drugs can put themselves, other employees or customers at risk of injury or other harm,’ said Dr. Dwight Robertson, medical director for Employers. “The most important step employers can take is to have a clearly documented workplace safety policy that specifically addresses drug use in the workplace.”

The survey found that 42 percent of small businesses do not have a written policy prohibiting employees from possessing, using or being under the influence of marijuana at work and nearly three-quarters of small businesses (74 percent) do not require their employees to take drug tests.

The prevalence of controlled substances in the workplace may be greater than employers believe. Eighty-one percent of the small business owners polled said they were unconcerned (20 percent not too concerned, 61 percent not at all concerned) that their employees would come to work under the influence of marijuana now that it is becoming legal in more states. Nearly one in 10 small business owners indicated that employees have shown up for work under the influence of a controlled substance, including marijuana, alcohol or narcotic painkillers.

Source: Employers