Knowing Where to Put A Comma

March 29, 2018 by

The following sentences are missing commas. See if you can put them in their proper places and ask yourself to supply the rule or reason for your decision.

  1. Mr. Polk signed a second agreement on November 2, 2017 which restored his benefit to the full amount.
  2. In reviewing your collection notes we find the borrower is 12 payments delinquent.
  3. We advised you that Mr. Jones prepared an estimate of repair for $3,209.99 which is substantially lower than the estimate from Ms. Peterson.
  4. The scars are permanent yet negligible and will lighten more as the client ages.
  5. We reviewed all of the information provided by your client and we regret that we cannot make any payments to her.
  6. Recommendations for further treatment include cortisone injections physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medication.
  7. He believes in action not words.
  8. The pen that is green is on the desk.
  9. First of course he said he was sorry.
  10. The policy language needless to say needs to be updated.


  1. After “2017”.
  2. After “notes”.
  3. Before “which”.
  4. Surrounding “yet negligible”.
  5. After “client”.
  6. After “injections”.
  7. After “action”.
  8. Does not require a comma.
  9. Surrounding “of course.”
  10. Surrounding “needless to say”.

If you are stuck, you’re welcome to e-mail me at