TWCC Extends Preauthorization Exemption
The Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission (Commission) has issued Advisory 2003-02, that provides notice of an extension of the Commission’s exemption from Preauthorization and Concurrent Review for work hardening and/or work conditioning program(s) that are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).
The Commission’s exemption is set forth in Rule 134.600 (h)(9), amended December 12, 2002.
This Advisory replaces Advisory 2001-11, which provided instructions for obtaining Commission exemption for these programs. The following paragraphs remain in effect.
A facility that offers work hardening and/or work conditioning program(s) that are accredited by CARF is eligible for exemption from preauthorization or concurrent review for these programs. To obtain approval for the exemption, the facility must submit documentation of current CARF accreditation for these programs to the Commission’s Medical Review Division. This documentation shall include the name and address of the specific facility, a copy of the accreditation document from CARF, and the duration of the accreditation status. Exempted programs provided in designated facilities are subject to verification and audit by the Commission. When the Commission approves a facility’s work hardening and/or work conditioning program(s) for exemption, the Commission will notify the facility by letter and add the facility name to the Commission’s list of exempted programs posted on the TWCC website.
Exemptions are valid from the date approved by the Commission until the program is no longer accredited by CARF for work hardening and/or work conditioning, or the Commission exemption expires, whichever occurs first. The extension of the exemption begins January 1, 2003 and expires December 31, 2003. Those programs that are exempted as of January 1, 2003 remain exempted and do not have to apply for this extension.
Submit documentation for exemption to:
Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission
Attn: Medical Review Division
4000 South IH-35, Southfield Building, MS-43
Austin, Texas 78704-7491