Paul Davis Restoration of Greater Houston Expands

January 17, 2008

Paul Davis Restoration of Greater Houston expanded its franchise territory to include all of Harris County and Montgomery County.

Paul Davis Restoration of North Houston and Montgomery County combined resources to operate under one franchise known as Paul Davis Restoration of Greater Houston. The new territory includes some outlying areas extending north to Huntsville and south to Galveston Island.

A new 30,000 square foot, state of the art warehouse and office facility in North Houston is said to be ready for occupancy in February 2008. The facility houses office, training and storage spaces. The firm plans to offer the facilities to corporate and other Paul Davis franchisees to hold continuing education classes.

The expansion includes the addition of Darrell Strouse, vice president operations; Jeff Thibodeaux, vice president sales & marketing; Johnny Chandler and Brad Burrow, project managers; Jay Booth, construction manager; Damon Harvey, marketing manager and Rob McPheron, emergency response manager.

Source: Paul Davis Restoration.