$5M Chinese Drywall Program Approved by Louisiana Recovery Authority

November 13, 2009

The Louisiana Recovery Authority has given its final approval to creation of a $5 million program to help some homeowners rehabilitate property with Chinese drywall problems.

The program will require legislative and federal approvals before it can begin.

The aid also won’t flow until federal officials devise a national standard for drywall testing and remediation. State officials say they don’t know how long that might take.

As approved Nov. 12, the program would be limited to homeowners with the drywall who received aid through the Road Home program after hurricanes Katrina and Rita. It would use $5 million in federal hurricane recovery aid.

People rebuilding their south Louisiana homes after Katrina claim imported Chinese drywall emits sulfur, methane and other chemical compounds that have ruined homes and appliances and harmed residents’ health.