OSHA Cites Texas-based Focus Direct for Amputation Hazards

May 17, 2011

Focus Direct LLC has been slapped with 12 serious, one repeat and four other-than-serious safety and health violations and fined up to $83,000 after an inspection found that workers were exposed to amputation hazards at the company’s San Antonio facility, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

OSHA’s safety and health inspection on Dec. 22, 2010 of the direct mail advertisement printer, found that employees were exposed to unguarded rollers on printing presses.

Serious violations include failing to provide adequate machine guarding of printing presses, failing to provide training on energy control procedures, and failing to ensure adequate training to render first aid and ensure that all electrical components were maintained.

The repeat violation was cited for failing to ensure electrical cords were in working order, free from strain relief. In May 2006, Focus Direct was cited for the same violation with proposed penalties of $20,000.

Other-than-serious violations include failing to record an injury on the OSHA 300 log within seven days of a recordable incident and ensure that fire extinguishers were readily accessible.

Source: OSHA