ERRA Presents Environmental Forum June 26-27

April 25, 2003

Environmental Risk Resources Association will present The Environmental Insurance Forum, June 26-27, at the Emory Conference Center in Atlanta.

Insurance agents and brokers will deliver more than 50,000,000 microbial matter, fungus, mold and bio-terrorism exclusions to their customers this year. These new “pollution” exclusions will reportedly create a need for environmental insurance across thousands of businesses and public entities.

As a result of these new exclusions, thousands of insurance intermediaries and their customers will work with dozens of manuscripted environmental insurance policies for the first time. This conference is designed to give attendees an understanding of the environmental risk management process and how environmental insurance can be used as a tool to manage a broad array of “environmental” risks.

The registration fee is $800 for non-members and $600 ERRA members.

For seminar information, log onto: or call (877) 735-0800.