Crawford Sends CAT Adjusters to Southeast Asia in Wake of Killer Tsunami

December 28, 2004

In response to the massive destruction caused by Sunday’s tsunami, Atlanta-based Crawford & Company has mobilized a catastrophe team under the direction of Richard Martin, regional managing director, Asia Pacific.

Local catastrophe teams in both Thailand and Malaysia have been sent to the affected areas and further resources will be dispatched as more information is available. In addition, adjusting staff from the Singapore office are on their way to the Maldives to deal with claims

“As always, it is unfortunate when crises like these occur. Crawford
stands ready to assist and ease the pain of those afflicted by providing
proper insurance adjusting as soon as possible,” said Martin.

The earthquake occurred on Sunday beneath the sea off the coast of Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, killing thousands.

The magnitude 9.0 earthquake set off a tsunami which caused extensive damage in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, India, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. Seaside property and holiday resorts and hotels have sustained the most extensive damage thus far.