Tree Expert Says Unseen Hazards Hide in Treetops Following Ga. Ice Storm

February 3, 2005

While the power outages and highway closings from the recent ice storm may be behind Georgia residents, the impact of this storm
is still reportedly very prevalent – particularly in the trees that shade the local residences and businesses.

According to the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), ice storms like the one that hit Atlanta earlier this week may result in damage, that if left untreated, can cause problems for months and even years. Splitting of limbs high in treetops can cause branches of all sizes to come crashing down at any time.

Because many of these hazards are not always obvious to the untrained eye, the ISA cautions homeowners that there are significant dangers involved with doing their own tree work.

“As a Certified Arborist here in Georgia, I often see firsthand the
dangers caused by ice-damaged trees,” said Steve Johnston, division manager in the Tucker office of tree care provider, Bartlett Tree Experts. “Homeowners can mitigate these risks by working with an experienced professional that will help them preserve the health and beauty of their trees.”

To ensure optimal safety and determine the full extent of storm damage, an ISA certified arborist can perform a property consultation and check trees from the bottom up.