Insured Losses from Ga. Storms Estimated at $12.5M
Georgia Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner John Oxendine said damage from tornadoes and violent weather that struck Miller, Seminole and Wayne Counties recently generated nearly a thousand insurance claims, with estimated insured losses as high as $12.5 million.
“That figure will probably rise as new claims are reported,” Oxendine said. “Some areas are still repairing phone lines, so there may be claims that haven’t been filed yet.”
Property owners with damaged property can take the following steps to begin the claims-filing process:
* Contact one’s insurance agent immediately if having had damage to either the house or car; do not delay. An agent should provide individuals with claims forms and arrange for an insurance adjuster to visit the property or look at an automobile.
* Hail damage to one’s car is typically covered by the comprehensive/collision portion of an automobile insurance policy; hail damage to one’s home – the roof, for example – is covered by a homeowners policy.
* Secure one’s property. For example, if the roof was damaged or blown off, or a tree has punctured the roof, cover the affected area with a tarp or plywood to protect the property from further damage.
* Keep receipts of materials used for repairs; one’s insurance company will reimburse individuals for repair costs.
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